Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Update: Where I Am Now

Since my last post, I've been crazy busy. With work and other stuff. And bootblacking as much as I can.

In March I attended Southern Sole, an intensive weekend of bootblacking classes and chicanery. ;-) It was intense but fantastic. Oh and I was sick as a dog but I kept my germs to myself and ignored it.

Last weekend was the Leather Leadership Conference in Philadelphia, and I spent an amazing 3 hours with Leslie J. Anderson from the Leather Archives & Museum in Chicago, as she presented a talk on Leather Care, Preservation, and Conservation.

I was also at the opening ceremonies at LLC, but no customers. I think they wanted to watch the show. I don't blame 'em; it was a great show with entertainment from the Liberty City Drag Kings.

On Saturday night I worked at a party affiliated with the LLC and worked on a lots of good folks and their boots. Although I did almost make a huge boo-boo; the lighting was really bad so I assumed this one guy's boots were black when in fact they were a deep cordovan color. This is how talking to your customer can save you from disaster. We stepped into an area with more light and matched the polish.

In other news I have initiated a bootblack stand build day on May 3. The lack of bootblack stands around me is a real pain in my ass. And back. And neck. etc etc. Also it makes it impossible to see me at an event until you walk right into me. Pictures to come!

Next up: bootblacking at a club this Saturday night. I have also been asked to present a class on bootblacking at the NDDs Boot Camp VII coming up in June. And I'm serving as the bootblack minion at The Floating World.

Hoping to post more frequently!

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