Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Ash Wednesday Thoughts; or, What Shoe Polish Would Jesus Use?

I've had a lot of thoughts about bootblacking lately but haven't taken the time to write them down. Sometimes it's because I'm just scared. I don't want to say anything to offend anyone. It's gotten to the point where my personal self-censorship has gotten so bad I I've toyed with the idea of killing off this blog because of it.

But I won't kill off my blog because this is my journey and I think I have at least the right to travel it in my particular way. It is not anyone else's journey. These are my experiences I'm writing about, and the thoughts that go with them. 

Some of my thoughts, hell maybe most of them, are going to be wrong. I'm not afraid to admit that. 

Today on the Christian calendar it is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. Lent is a season of preparation for Easter, through prayer, penance, repentance of sins, atonement and self-denial.

The way I was raised, you were supposed to "give something up" during Lent. But as I've matured, I have tried to "take things on." It's one thing to give up your chocolate habit; another to make yourself a better person.

All of this might sound funny coming from a Bootblack. So much of what we do is kinky and naughty. We have to think about things like how to clean cum off a boot or how to get that conditioner really worked into those leather pants. These are wonderful problems to have. <<weg>>

But to me, in my personal journey, being a Bootblack is first about love.

Recently there was a Facebook post about shoe polish preferences. Of course every Bootblack had to chime in, including myself. But one comment really stood out. 

This gentleman is not only a title winner but also friendly, generous with his knowledge, humble and soft-spoken yet so full of wisdom. Anytime he posts anything, I take notice.

His favorite polish? "Whatever's in my kit," he said. 

The point being, it's not about the brand. It's about the person using it. 

What's in your kit is not so important as what's in your heart.

During this season of Lent I am going to try to post something in my blog every day. 

It will be a bit of a sacrifice because I have to make the time to do it. But that's the point, isn't it?

So, I hope you will walk with me for the next several weeks. If you disagree with something I say, I will listen and learn with respect that is due to every human being. I just ask for the same treatment in return.

And what shoe polish would Jesus use?

That's a no-brainer.

ANGEL-us, of course. 


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